Monday, February 16, 2009


Newsflash! I lost 1.6 pounds this week! I am so excited. Its been so nice and sunny the last few days, it has been great to get out and ride my bike. In other news, I just made a delicious dinner. I had salad, a baked potato, sirloin steak, and an ice cold glass of moscato. How do I not have a man? I mean honestly...Yesterday I cleaned and bought some flowers to put on the dining room table, daffodils (my favorite!), everything looks so bright and cheery now! On another note, last week I went to see my adviser. I have a year and a term left before I have my bachelor's in history. I'll have a year of grad school to get my MAT after that, and then I can be a teacher, before I turn 25. I'm pretty excited about it. Nervous, but pretty excited. Now to finish a paper and hopefully get done before the gym closes so I can go there too.

Monday, February 9, 2009


So. Ugh. I gained a pound this week. Blah. I feel blah. I know where it came from, I just sat on my bum reading Roman history all week and didn't go to the gym or anything because frankly, I did not have time. I also ate a gigantor piece of delicious tiramisu...what can I say, they had a $4 minimum for the debit card, I had to get something uber horrible for me...yeah, thats it. Ha. So I guess I'll stop blaming my fatness on things other than myself and find my shoes and go to the gym, and maybe the grocery store because I ran out of baby carrots. In other news, I'm going to my advisor tomorrow and maybe I can find out when I am actually graduating! That would be nice, because right now I feel like I am just aimlessly floating though life not doing much of anything.