Monday, December 8, 2008

Here I Go Again...

The summer before my Junior year of high school I joined Weight Watchers and quit when I started doing cheerleading. Last December I started again, lost quite a bit of poundage, but haven't really done it since summer. I have done it off and on for the last few months but I think I have gained back almost everything that I lost. I decided today when I was walking back to my car from my speech final that I am starting again tomorrow for the LAST time. I decided I would start a blog to help me sort out my thoughts and maybe motivate me a bit. I think part of the reason I haven't done well in the past is because I have largely kept my goals to myself. I decided to share them with a few of my closest friends in hopes that the words of the Beatles will ring true: "I get by with a little help from my friends." I think I might post before and after photos too. So that could be interesting.
So, here is to tomorrow, wish me luck!


Deidre said...

I like your beatles quote! Let's just hope you don't get high with a little help from your friends! Sorry, I will partake in that. :)haha
Good luck lady!

katey said...

YAY!!! good job lovely I'm so proud of you!!! let me know if you need anything :)

Mom said...

" I may not be there yet, but I'm closer than I was yesterday. "
~ Unknown Author

You can do it Honey!